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Progresif is a bilingual (English and Malay) platform that promotes progressive ideas within the context of Malay/ Muslim society in a changing world.
By progressive, we mean perspectives that weave the context of society with shared universal values, vision of a better future and the presence of diverse and evolving traditions.
We offer critical reflections on societal issues with an educative approach that can lead to a more compassionate and inclusive society for all.
We often see an over-representation of the Malay Muslim identity through a singular lens. Often, it lacks a progressive and critical engagement with the changing context of society.
Hence, we focus primarily on Malay and Muslim issues to provide greater nuance and alternative views that are often ignored, marginalised or buried. We recognise the need to provide a credible platform for writers and social commentators to engage with ideas and contested perspectives in Malay Muslim societal context.
However, being progressive is also about inclusivity. We therefore welcome views from all writers and social commentators, including those who identify as Malay only, primarily Malay/Muslim, or non-Malay/Muslim.
We accept articles in any of the following themes:
1) Arts and Culture
2) Economics
3) Education
4) Gender and Sexuality
5) History
6) Interfaith
7) Islamic Law
8) Language & Literature
9) Philosophy
10) Social Issues
11) Politics
12) Theology
As much as we appeal for rigour in standards for the perspectives articulated in every article, we respect the writer's right to their opinion. We are not responsible for the views and opinions hold by the writer. They remain solely the views and opinions of the writer.
Editorial Team
- Academic advisor: Dr Azhar Ibrahim
- English editor: Md Suhaile
- Malay editor: Mohamed Imran
- Team of sub-editors
- Podcast editor: Syahirah Azib
Contact Us: salam@progresif.net
Submit Articles
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Send us your best piece!
- Length of article: 1,000-2,000 words
- Chicago-style footnotes
- 100-word Biodata with picture (optional)
- Articles must be in English or Malay
"*" indicates required fields
Latest Articles
Editorial: The crux of the matter
Regardless of identity, all law-abiding citizens deserve equal protection from harm and fair access to shared public spaces. As Singaporeans, we have the right to practise our faith so long as it does not harm and/or infringe on the rights of others to live according to theirs. Given these two facts, how do we move forward?
While proponents of sunat perempuan may argue that the act is harmless (unlike Type 1, 2 and 3 of FGM), it is hard to argue for any medical benefit from the practice – unlike that of male circumcision. Some Muslims, however, have resorted to the argument that the practice is needed to subdue female sexuality. This claim rests upon two claims: that female sexuality is higher than men and that subduing it is necessary to promote female purity and chastity. These two claims rest upon the overarching assumptions that women are the guardians of morality and female sexuality can be a source of moral destruction. Hence, the need to subject women to sunat or circumcision.
Decolonisation of knowledge is gaining further traction and has become a pivotal topic of discussion in universities worldwide. Decolonisation is a call to action to decolonise the university, curriculum, museums, and the library and archive. Academic libraries are inextricably linked to universities and are sites for the collection, production, and consumption of knowledge. Some narratives are validated while others are excluded. The academic library is also a site which replicates hegemonic power structures but can be a site of resistance and change, particularly in relation to decolonisation.
Must Islam Rule? Crisis in Muslim Political Thought
Key ideas from our inaugural Roundtable Discussion held on 27 May 2023.
Belajar dari Universalisme Islam Seruan Nurcholish Madjid
Salah satu fenomena penting yang terjadi di negaera-negaera Muslim di era modern adalah lahirnya pembaharuan pemikiran Islam. Para pembaharu muncul untuk mengarahkan umat Islam untuk mengubah cara pandang mereka, sehingga Islam terasa lebih segar, lebih relevan, dan lebih berghairah menyambut perubahan. Di Indonesia, ada seorang tokoh pembaharu bBernama Nurcholish Madjid (1939-2005), atau akrabnya dipanggil Cak Nur. Meskipun ada lebih ribuan sarjana dan ahli Islam di Indonesia, namun hanya sedikit yang bersungguh-sungguh tumbuh menjadi pemikir, ahli falsafah, dan pembaharu. Cak Nur adalah salah satunya.
My Interfaith Journey in Singapore
Reflecting on Intra-Muslim Prejudice in Contemporary Malay Muslim Society
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Latest Reviews
The Library and Human Progress
The connection between the library and human development lies in the fact that the library is a repository of humanity’s historical memory. It is this appreciation of history that makes progress possible. History holds lessons and tracks achievements that require humans to surpass in order to move forward as a civilisation.